Winter Green Ultra Fragrance Oil For Letting Go & Releasing Past Trauma


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Wintergreen has a very distinct aroma. Its aroma is its signature and it is interesting to note that the plant associates with many of our sense: smell, taste, touch and even hearing (sound). Wintergreen can penetrate deep within our body and increase its vibration and enhances sound. That’s why it’s often used during spiritual ceremonies especially where there’s meditations or chants being spoken or sung. It brings harmony between earth and its people through awareness. This opening of spiritual awareness leads to introspection and self-love. This is going to be particularly helpful for those who are more left-brain (logical) than right-brain (intuitive) because they need to further sharpen their intuitive/creative side.

Wintergreen assists us in letting go of control and the need to know and be right. It helps you surrender to your Higher Power which takes a lot of personal strength. This oil is great for those of us that tend to micro-manage, to be arrogant or who lack trust in others. By assisting us in letting go, surrendering control and trusting in the process of life, we release pain, old habits or beliefs and lean into our spiritual understanding. Think about when you’re too stressed or tense or when you’re “holding on” tightly, all of this brings about physical pain that Wintergreen can soothe away.

Wintergreen reminds us that we don’t have to go about life completely on our own. There is a constant invitation to surrender and let go of our burdens and worries to the universe. There is something so comforting about knowing that you’ve done all you can do and now you can release and let go and let the universe take care of the rest. You can turn your hardships over so that you don’t carry the burden of life all on your own. Those who think that life is painful or that one must suffer through it to achieve what they want to achieve or who think that they need to soldier on by themselves, Wintergreen can help these individuals to release these strong beliefs and imbues them with strength instead.

Our ancestors used oils in their rituals and ceremonies hundreds, even thousands, of years ago. Many people believe that aromas of ultra fragrance oil will put an end to adverse conditions and open the way for luck, love, money, and happiness to enter their lives. The scent will help help you stay well and feel more alive, more clear headed, and more emotionally stable and balanced. The healing powers of herbs, plants and roots to facilitate healing of mind, body and spirit.  

Ultra fragrance oils can be used in a vast number of ways. Such as, to anoint candles, ritual tools, material, furniture, money, and other such items. Your oils can be one of the most important tools in your ritual space. Candles, crystals, amulets, talismans and other charms may be anointed with oil and this is really a great way to turn simple mundane items into items of magickal power and energy as well as charge already magickally empowered ritual tools. Aromatic ultra fragrance oil of herbal and floral scents, have acquired special symbolical or occult significance and have thus earned a place in spiritual practices and spell craft, according to the nature of the floral and herbal essences that comprise their aroma. 

Instructions: Dab some on your wrists behind the ear even by the ankle or collar bone. Use the moment to connect to your inner source of personal power. Repeat daily or as needed until the bottle is finished. Other uses included dabbing some on objects such as a mojo bag, lottery ticket, photo, or statue. These ultra fragrance oils can be used for many spiritual purposes.

Amber colored twist top bottle.

Available in 1oz bottle for $5 or in a 4oz bottle for $15 or in a 8oz bottle for $24

Additional information

Weight 0.2000 oz
Dimensions 0.0000 × 0.0000 × 0.0000 in
Choose Size

1 ounce, 4 ounce, 8 ounce


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