Patchouli With Root For Mood Lift Depression Anxiety Go Away Feel Happy Again Emotional Balance Mental Boost Joy And Love Attracting (Soap Bar 4oz)
Patchouli Prayer: “Today I let go of fear, overthinking, and worries. I now cleanse away the destructive energy. I am ready to awaken my intuition. I let go of tension. I will release unconscious bad energy to open up to spiritual experience and deep healing. I am ready to let go and release inner conflict and struggle. I choose to think positively and create a wonderful and successful life for myself. I will celebrate each goal I accomplish with gratitude and joy. Every day I will become more confident, powerful, and successful. Amen”
Patchouli Love Prayer: “Great spirit of love, I am ready to have a relationship with a wonderful person, who truly gets me, loves me, adores me, and is ready to build a life with me. I choose to believe there is a special person out there for me. My name is written across his/her heart. Please put me on the right track towards true love. Lead me to a place of committed love. I am willing to work on myself and to make myself ready for love. Please grant me the power to look at love through spiritual eyes and to remain sincere about finding the romantic relationship I’ve longed for. Amen.”
Patchouli is commonly used in aromatherapy because of its antidepressant properties. Because of the impact that smelling the scent of patchouli has on our hormones, it encourages the release of serotonin and dopamine. These hormones ease feelings of anger, anxiety and anxiousness. Help you gain feelings of peace, abundance, joy, and love. While stimulating any physical benefits that may support these feelings to grow naturally. Patchouli is well known for its musky, sweet, and earthy fragrance, along with its earth and fire balancing energies. Known to kick start the attraction of peace, abundance, and individual growth.
Love is one of the major keys to success, with it you can accomplish wonders. Get into the mindset of having a sharing and caring relationship, to help you to be open, understanding, to share your feelings and build a strong relationship which is built on mutual trust.
Many people believe that a a spiritual shower will put an end to adverse conditions and open the way for luck, love, money, and happiness to enter their lives. It help you stay well and feel more alive, more clear-headed, and more emotionally stable and balanced. The healing powers of herbs, plants and roots to facilitate healing of mind, body and spirit. Take a spiritual cleansing shower as a way to melt away stress, freshen up your aura, and manifest your goals into reality. Spiritual showering is a form of cleansing meant to be a reset button for your energy.
Prayer is the master key. Prayer is the key to all earthy problems. Praying is more than just mere words, it myst come from deep within you, from you very soul. The exercise of prayer requires tranquility and peace of mind. The essence of prayer is faith, it is your motive power that comes from within you and its movement must be directed upwards to where all earthy favors come from.
Anyone can make their prayers come true. This is as sure as the rise of tomorrow’s sun. If you knew how you would feel if your prayer were answered, and if you could realize, consciously, just how you could awaken such a feeling in yourself, you will travel a long way toward learning how to make your dreams come true. Imagination is the beginning of creation. You must imagine what you desire and believe it to be true. True prayer can come only from within yourself.
Instructions: As you wash your body in the shower pray to clear your mind and mentally focus on your current goals. Use the moment to connect to your inner source of personal power. Repeat daily or as needed until the bar is finished.
4oz bar
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