White Sage Salvia Blanca Shaman Smudge Stick To Purify Your Atmosphere Clear The Sick Air Let Go Of Fear And Diffuse Conflict (10″ Sage Bundle)


SKU: white-sage-salvia-blanca-shaman-smudge-stick-to-purify-your-atmosphere-clear-the-sick-air-let-go-of-fear-and-diffuse-conflict-10-sage-bundle Category:


For the removal of all types of negative energies in the human aura and surroundings. 
Open the doors or windows, then place the bundle in a ceramic dish, bowl, incense tray, or other non-flammable vessel. Light one end of the sage stick with a match or lighter, let it burn for a few seconds, then blow out the flame to release the smoke. Walk slowly around each room, wafting the smoke in all directions. Smudging is one of the ways to energetically cleanse a space to invite positive energy.
When smudging a space, you burn plant material. The smoke fills and purifies the environment. As the smoke ascends, our wishes and intentions rise and mingle into the universe, connecting heaven, earth and humanity. Smoke offerings are found in many traditions such as Buddhism, Native American and other spiritual religions. The smoke ceremony creates transformation and blesses a space and the inhabitants.

10″ white sage bundle.

Additional information

Weight 0.3000 oz
Dimensions 0.0000 × 0.0000 × 0.0000 in


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